The community website for Tibberton village, Shropshire.

This website is under development so some pages are not currently available or do not contain much. Please send suggestions to the email address below. Many thanks.

If you are a member of 'Facebook', you can visit the Tibberton Talk group to post comments, hold discussions or advertise local events.

Events in Tibberton

Clubs and societies in Tibberton and further afield in Shropshire

Tibberton Community Village Shop

Tibberton Primary School

Tibberton Pre-School (Nic and Tim)

The Sutherland Arms pub

Local environmental matters

Tibberton village history

Tibberton Parish Council

All Saints' Church, Tibberton.

Local police and emergency contact details

Local transport

To contact the webmaster, please email: n r l a r k i n 0 0 @ g m a i l . c o m